Lilbourne Village

Last update 22/01/25 16:55:00

08:01:28 16:30:20
41% full

Welcome to the Lilbourne Local Weather site

The data for this website is being collected from a Davis Vantage weather station located in Lilbourne, Northamptonshire using Weewx to capture and process the data with a modified version of the NeoWx skin.

We have had a weather station running since August 2016, the original station was a Maplin N96GY.  In January 2019 we upgraded to the Vantage.

The station is positioned above gravel with the Temperature / Humidity / Rain sensor at 5 feet and the wind sensor at 10 feet above the ground.  This is not an ideal site for wind, as the mount is a little low and there are obstructions from the north and east but south and west are clear.   So East winds tend to be incorrect.

The weather data is shared with the following sites.

Met office WOW

Weather Underground

Weather Underground PWS IRUGBY15

Things to note while using this site

On the main page you can see the most up to date data for the last time the page was updated, the site is updated every 5 minutes so the data can be up to 5 minutes old.  The graphs at the bottom of the page show the last 24 hours but the stats relating to the current data points are from 00:00:01 today.

Wind data on the main page, Wind: is a 5 minute average and Gust: is the highest wind speed during that 5 minutes

The Week, Month, Year pages show the graphs for the last 7 days from the current date, the last 30 days from the current date and the last 365 days back from the current date.  The stats for each page relate to the data points are Monday of this week, 1st of this month or 1st January this year.

To get full details of the collected data since August 2016 look on the archive page and you can find full detail for each month and year.

This weather station and website provide very local information and should not be relied on for any planned activity.